Welcome to the Piedmont 60 Meters Net !
We are a ARES Net and we meet every Monday at 8:00 PM (Daylight Savings Time) and 7:00 PM (Regular Time Fall & Winter) starting on Channel 1 – 5.330.50 Mhz. If that channel is being used, we will meet on Channel 2 – 5.346.50 Mhz.
The purpose of this net is to use 60 meters the way it was intended to be used, for emergency communications. This net will not be like the average net. We will take check ins, make a few announcements is needed and then get questions or comments which will include signal reports. This net will not have long rag chews. We need to remember that the 60 meters are shared frequencies with other groups and agencies. This is why we need to keep comments and transmissions as short as possible.
In USA, 60 Meters the 5 MHz channels for ham radio were specifically requested, justified, and approved primarily for Emergency and Disaster Communications. The stated justification is the need for NVIS and regional disaster response communications to fill in the propagation gap between 40 meters and 80 meters.
Effective today, US amateurs have new privileges on the 60 meter band. In addition to an increase in effective radiated power from 50 to 100 W, hams can now transmit CW and PSK31 on the following channel-center frequencies:
Channel 1: 5332.0 kHz
Channel 2: 5348.0 kHz
Channel 3: 5358.5 kHz
Channel 4: 5373.0 kHz
Channel 5: 5405.0 kHz
Amateurs can also transmit Upper Sideband voice and PACTOR III on the following suppressed carrier frequencies (the frequencies typically shown on transceiver displays):
Channel 1: 5330.5 kHz
Channel 2: 5346.5 kHz
Channel 3: 5357.0 kHz
Channel 4: 5371.5 kHz
Channel 5: 5403.5 kHz
Greetings 60 Meters Ham Radio Operators !
Here is the Net Control Operator list.
Net Manager: Jerry Brewer / N4MIU
Assistant Net Manager: Jimmy Holbrook / KB4GKI
Some more exciting additions to the Piedmont 60 Meters Net !
If you check into the net at least 1 time, we will consider you as a member of the Piedmont 60 Meters Net. Soon we will be sending E-QSL cards out to all of those who checks into the Piedmont 60 Meters Net.
Again, like I said, this is a fun net !
We meet every Monday night at 8:00 PM
Primary – 5.330.50 Mhz.
1st. Alternate – 5.346.50 Mhz.
2nd. Alternate – 5.357.00 Mhz.
3rd. Alternate – 5.371.50 Mhz.
Those who can hear the net but can not check in due to their radio equipment can not transmit on 60 Meters or your license classification will not permit you to, can still participate in the net. If you have RMS Express, send a check in by Telnet to: ( N4MIU ). I will add you to the roster. You can also send your comments to the net by RMS Express Telnet too.
Jerry Brewer / N4MIU
Piedmont 60 Meters Net Manager
Email: [email protected]
We are onI Facebook !
http:/ /www.facebook.com/ ThePiedmont60MetersNet
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