Union County ARES Blog Page
NBEMS – Doing It The HAM Radio Way
Charles Brabham / N5PVL: Posted on Monday, February 24, 2014 9:45 PM
( Narrow-Band Emergency Message System ) is perhaps the best solution available for moving eMail and other text-based information over amateur radio frequencies, to handle emergency communications. Here I will outline the reasons that I have come to this conclusion after reviewing the available amateur radio messaging systems.
Mission Parameters:
Our mission is simple. – To provide an alternate means of moving messages into and out of a disaster area where regular internet access has become compromised, is limited or nonexistent.
Practical Reasons for Ham Radio Volunteering and Management
Frederick R. Vobbe / W8HDU: Posted on Monday, May 20, 2013 1:22 PM
Volunteers are important. But more important are the reasons for volunteering, and the way an organization is managed to make it effective. Take a moment and learn from the pros.
This checklist was adopted from a meeting I had the pleasure of attending this past winter. It was with a group of hams that are very involved in their community. Their participation spans from causal observation at parades, to real emergency events. Weather spotting is less than 10% of their mission. The rest is local community involvement.
My First Date with Olivia
NO6L: Posted on Sunday, May 12, 2013 8:24 PM
Last night (8/10/09) began with a very long 75/80M band. There was none of the usual local rag chew chatter because the lack of NVIS propagation mode, so, I thought I’d see what was happening on the rest of the RF Spectrum. I’d heard some NAVTEX on the 600M band and seeing as how I had the laptop on hand I’d interface it to the rig and see what was what. It was some bulletins about missile tests and other things out near the Hawaiian Islands. After a few minutes they signed clear.
USA 5 Mhz. Emcomm, Not Ragchew DX Contest
Bonnie Crystal / KQ6XA: Posted on Thursday, May 09, 2013 1:33 AM
The 60-meter ham band has quite different operating privileges in various countries of the world. The frequencies, rules, purpose, regulations, operating procedures, and levels of priority are all different in each country.
In USA, the 5 MHz channels for ham radio were specifically requested, justified, and approved primarily for Emergency and Disaster Communications. The stated justification is the need for NVIS and regional disaster response communications to fill in the propagation gap between 40 meters and 80 meters.
Personal Disaster Preparedness
John Covington / W4CC: Posted on Wednesday, May 08, 2013 3:18 AM
This discussion has been presented at club meetings, civic groups and even over the Tarheel Emergency Net. As I mentioned then, the purpose of this discussion is to encourage you to think about how you should prepare for a disaster. There is no “one-size-fits-all” formula for disaster preparedness. Consider some of the points mentioned below and decide what preparations are best foryou.
What is Disaster Preparedness?
Disaster Preparedness means taking steps necessary to make sure you and your family are safe and as comfortable as possible in the aftermath of a disaster.
Ham Radio in the 21st. century
Doug Grant / K1DG: Posted on Saturday, April 27, 2013 10:35 PM
Many of today’s experienced engineers got their start in electronics through amateur, or “ham,” radio. (Many theories exist over the origin of the term “ham radio,” but there is no consensus.) Over the years, however, the demands of these engineers’ work, families, and communities took precedence, and many hams lost interest and let their licenses lapse. Meanwhile, with the rise of personal communications and Internet connectivity in homes, many young engineers never needed ham radio as a way to explore electronics.
4 Skills For Better Radio Communications
Robert Avsec: Posted on Monday, April 22, 2013 3:02 AM
The portable radio is the single-most versatile piece of equipment that a firefighter or officer can carry into a hazardous situation.
Why do I believe that? Because portable radios are the primary means for:
All responders to begin becoming informed and educated about the incident once the first firefighter or officer arrives on the scene;
The incident commander to execute command and control activities;
Officers and firefighters deployed to tactical assignments in the hazard area to communicate their observations and progress to the IC and to receive updated orders; and
Communications in the Incident Command System
Dan Hawkins: Posted on Sunday, April 21, 2013 4:46 AM
Today, ICS provides a rich set of tools for managing human and technological resources to ensure effective and efficient management of emergencies of all scales.
Unfortunately, as we have often seen, communications and command failures are intertwined. Structured, consistent means of managing communications resources are necessary, particularly during incidents involving multiple agencies. ICS establishes basic principles, practical tools, and a definitive structure for supporting communications needs during emergency response.
Welcome To The Union County ARES Website !
Posted on Monday, April 15, 2013 3:36 AM
Welcome !
I want to welcome everyone to the Union County ARES website.
It is still being modified so please check back often. I will begin soon posting articles on the Blog Page.
Thanks again for visiting !
Jerry Brewer / N4MIU
Union County ARES EC
COML Trained
Welcome To The Union County ARES website !
Posted on Friday, April 12, 2013 4:03 AM
Welcome to the Union County ARES website !
There will be more items and post added to help to promote ARES in Union County.
Please check back often !
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