ARES Videos
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Amateur Radio – Full Version
An introduction to Amateur Radio and the many possibilities it offers for learning, safety and security, and helping others throughout our world. Join us for this journey that takes us through a brief…
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Space Station Crew Uses HAM Radio to Call Earth
Inside the International Space Station, Expedition 25 commander Doug Wheelock gave a tour of the Russian segment of the orbiting complex, including the Soyuz spacecraft docked there. Wheelock showed …
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UCARS Field Day 2013 – Monroe, NC
UCARS Field Day 2013June 22 & 23, 2013Monroe, NChttp://www.nc4uc.orghttp://www.unioncountyares.orghttp://www.arrl.orgVideo captured and edited by Daniel Brinnemanhttp://www.lionsdend…
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Incident Command System – ICS
In 1980, the ICS that was originallydeveloped in California under the FIRESCOPE program made thetransition into a national program called the National InteragencyIncident Management System (NIIM…
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Sending Winlink Email via RMS Express
A short clip of the tail end of a WINMOR Winlink connection to a local RMS. Winlink is a system that allows users to send email worldwide using radio. In this connection I sent two emails via Winlin…
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Emergency Amateur Radio Communication Kit by KH7O
Emergency Amateur Radio Kit for field use, Using a Pelican case, Samlex switching power supply, Mobile Radio and Fuse panel from West marine to a modified 19″ rack panel allows for a presentable look …
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Remembering 9/11: Red Cross Emergency Communications and ARES
Red Cross volunteers Lorrie Morrow and Thomas Raffaelli discuss the role of Amateur Radio Emergency Service groups and the service they provided during 9/11.View more videos here: http://www.nyredcr…
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Amateur Radio Emergency Preparedness
Kansas City news station KMBC9 reporter Brenda Washington interviews Chet Hallberg about the role amateur radio plays in emergency communications. Specifically, they focus on communications after a la…
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Amateur radio today – hosted by Walter Cronkite, SK.
Hosted by Walter Cronkite, this video describes my main hobby…ham radio!
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