Emergency Net Operations
The purpose of this plan is to provide a written guide containing the minimum information that would be needed in an emergency. Each emergency is different and flexibility to provide adequate response to each situation is a necessity. Drills and exercises are to be operated as if it is a actual emergency.
Activation Procedures
Any ARES member who, for any reason suspects a communication emergency exists, should go to the Primary Union County ARES Net Frequency of 145.390 Mhz (-0.600 Mhz repeater offset, tone of 94.8 Hz, wideband). Monitor this frequency for activity.
If local phone service is available, the EC or AEC(s) should be notified so that one is reached and can assume command. If phone service is not available, go to the Primary Union County ARES Net Frequency, 145.390 Mhz to try to contact the EC or the AEC(s). If they are not on frequency, find someone on frequency that can contact them. If all other attempts have failed, please attempt to contact the DEC or Section Emergency Coordinator (SEC) to initiate the request.
After making initial contact with the EC / AEC or even the DEC / SEC, the ARES member or a requesting agency is responsible for communicating the necessary information for ARES to activate and effectively mobilize for the emergency.
After making the initial contact, the requesting ARES member or agency’s responsibility is fulfilled and they should continue with their normal duties in the emergency.
ARES Emergency Net Operations
1. Open up the ARES Emergency Net on 145.390 Mhz(-0.600Mhz repeater offset with a tone of 94.8 Hz wideband). Use the emergency net protocal during the emergency net, drills, or exercises. Also establish a Alternate Net Control Operator.
2. Have others advise the other repeaters and repeater networks of the emergency.
3. Set up a Resource Net Frequency and net control for the incoming volunteers. Other frequencies maybe required for traffic or digital communications.
4. Document all net activity on the FEMA ICS 214 and if you can, audio tape all net activity. The net control operator should recruit the alternate net control operator to do this.
5. Mention frequently that this is a emergency net, drill or exercise. Also mention frequently the current time. Do not use military or zulu time because this can create confusion with other agencies. Just use local time only.
6. Establish repeater / frequency backups.
7. All initial announcements are to be made on the Primary Union County ARES Frequency, then all personnel will move to their assigned frequecies if established.
8. All personnel and those who are involved with the emergency net, drills, or exercises should remain available unless they are excused by the Net Control Operator.
Only ARES members that are on the AUXCOM Database are allowed to mobilize if warranted by the Union County Emergency Manager / Union County ARES Emergency Coordinator. ARES members who are in the AUXCOM Database will be contacted by the UNION County EC / AEC to see if they can be or available for mobilization.
ICS 217A
Union County ARES Communications Resource Availability Worksheet
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