About Us
The Union County Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) is comprised of FCC licensed Amateur Radio Operators who have voluntarily registered their capabilities and equipment for public service communications. Under Federal regulations, Amateur Radio operators can not receive compensation of any kind for providing public service communications.
The primary responsibility of the Union County ARES/RACES is to furnish emergency communications in the event of disaster or other event, when regular communications fail or become inadequate for served agencies to perform their duties.
We also require all of our Union County ARES members to check in 50% of the scheduled Union County ARES Nets to maintain membership status and to keep up to date on important training and information.
To become a certified member of ARES in Union County you will need to take the required FEMA courses:
IS-100 IS-700 (Optional) IS-802 Communications
IS-200 IS-800
A certified Union County ARES member is qualified to become a AUXCOMM member. Being a AUXCOMM member you can be deployed during exercises or actual events / incidents.
If members are not AUXCOMM members, they can still participate in exercises and actual events / incidents from their home stations.
ARES Officers
Karl Bowman / W4CHX
North Carolina Section Manager
Tom Brown / N4TAB
Section Emergency Coordinator
COML ( Communications Unit Leader )
NC. AUXCOMM Coordinator
Paul Robinette / KD4OZI
Assistant Section Emergency Coordinator (Western Branch)
Ben Melvin / KM4C
District Emergency Coordinator ( Area – 13 )
Jerry Brewer / N4MIU
Union County ARES Emergency Coordinator
Union County RACES Officer
Union County Local Emergency Planning Committee Member
ICS-100, ICS-200, ICS-700, !CS-800, ICS-300, and ICS-400
FEMA COML ( Communications Unit Leader )
Certified Skywarn Spotter ID# 20065
Stephen J. Wrona / KK4RMM
Union County ARES Assistant Emergency Coordinator
ICS-100, ICS-200, ICS-700, ICS-800, ICS-300, and ICS-400
Union County ARES EOC Specialist
Marcos J. Bilbao / K3MJB
Union County ARES Assistant Emergency Coordinator
ICS-100, ICS-200, ICS-700, and ICS-800
Charles Comerford / KK4HOK
Union County ARES Assistant Emergency Coordinator
Union County ARES Technical Advisor
ICS-100, ICS-200, ICS-700, and ICS-800
The Piedmont 60 Meters Net
Every Monday at 7:00 PM EST.
Freq. 5.330.50 Mhz. USB
Union County ARES Training Net
Every Saturday at 8:00 PM
Freq. 145.390 Mhz.
Tone 94.8 Hz.
Union County Amateur Radio Net
Every Thursday at 8:00 PM. on 145.390 Mhz. -600 Khz with a tone of 94.8 Hz.
These nets are affiliated with the Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES )
The other UCARS repeater is 444.425 Mhz. +5 Mhz. with a tone of 94.8 Hz.
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Piedmont 60 Meters Net
Union County Skywarn
Skywarn Training Videos
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Union County ARES/RACES
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Union County ARES Guest Book
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